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Byron Shire Respite Service is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR1). This means that a donation of any size made to the us is deductible for the donor. We look at donations as what they are, a gift. We acknowledge that any donation is given from the goodness of one’s heart and we are grateful for any contribution made, no matter how large or small.

There are two types of donations, one that is given without purpose/use of expenditure and those that are given for a specific purpose/use. These are called untied and tied donations respectively.

The majority of untied funds go to training and staff support. Given that BSRS is large government funded with the purpose of providing direct service delivery, there are limited funds for training. Donations help assist us to conduct paid training for our staff. An example of this is that we funded in person Manual Handling training with an untied donation.

Tied donations are more like a contract between the donor and us with either the donor dictating how the funds should be spent or both parties coming to agreement on the use of funds. Since March 2022, the Byron Carer Newsletter, a monthly publication developed and circulated by us, is funded by a donation. This includes the wages and publication costs associated with producing and circulating the Newsletter.

If you want to discuss a tied donation, please contact Peter Devine, General Manager on

0457 915 152 or via email,

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